Saturday, January 22, 2011


January 22, 2011

Dear President Obama:

Perhaps you will find it in your heart to address the greatest civil rights violation since American slavery: the mass murder of unborn children. It pains me to see you uphold a practice that is snuffing out the lives of millions of children. What's more, the disproportionate amount of black children being aborted should concern you: 40 per cent of all abortions are performed on a people that make up only 13% of the population. As a black American, I find these statistics alarming.

WHY, WHY, WHY do you consider an unwanted pregnancy as being "punished with a baby"? Is your partnership with Planned Parenthood, the nation's biggest abortion provider, THAT strong, sir, that you will fight to preserve a practice that is so inhumane and barbaric? Your policies have never shown the slightest sentiment or empathy for the plight of the unborn. Have you ever once publicly decried the suffering and death of mothers involved in legal abortions, or the macabre practice of abortion "doctors" killing late-term babies and even infants born alive.

Many Christians are praying that you -- a fellow Christian, will reconsider and somehow be moved to change your heart and mind to protect these precious innocents. It is a human rights issue because unborn babies ARE human. It's a civil rights issue because the rights of our most vulnerable and helpless citizens are being trampled upon as they are stabbed, sliced and diced, and suctioned out of the womb -- mostly because of our greed and selfishness.

In the spirit of history's advocates for the emancipation of black people, I pray that you use your office to give the unborn their rightful place as HUMAN, as CITIZENS, as AMERICANS: Please extend human and civil rights to those who have no voice -- America's unborn children.


Murdock Gibbs